Today was one of those days that reminded me why I love to teach!! We had a great Writer's Workshop and morning all together, and then awesome AHA moments in math!!
In math, we were practicing finding the area of a space or shape. Well, sometimes this can be a little challenging to teach to 2nd graders to where they actually truly understand it. Everyday Math makes it easier for them by just counting centimeter squares inside the shape, but I want them to actually understand what it means. Soooo...I made a 6 by 6 square so we could WALK THE PERIMETER, and COVER THE SURFACE FOR THE AREA. The kids loved it!! They got to walk around the shape and measure it using a yard stick, and then got to cover the surface as you see in the picture above! You could see their eyes change once they understood the purpose for the activity! I just had to share this!! I wish I could bottle these moments up to remember them on the days I feel like I'm speaking another language to them! :)