25 October 2014

Sunday Savings Circulars!!! (Oct. 26th) A Weekly Linky Party!

Hey guys!!! How was everyone's week?? I must say that my 2 week fall break has been great! We go back to school on Monday so I've been trying to get back into a rhythm. Monday may be a little exhausting! haha :) I'm excited to see my "kids" and to get some new things started like our interactive notebooks and a different intervention schedule!

If this is your first time perusing or linking up your own Sunday Savings Circulars...WELCOME!!!! I hope you enjoy looking through all the new products, deals, sales, etc.! The Sunday Savings Circulars have joined my love of Sunday ads!! I hope you enjoy them too!!

If you are a returning shopper or linker (new word? :), nice to see you again!! Hope you find some great deals today!!

Here is my Sunday Savings Circular for this week!!

This week, in honor of fall party week (ahh :), my ENTIRE TPT STORE IS 20% OFF TODAY ONLY!!! Make sure to check it out by clicking HERE or on my button below!!!

Come join the party!!!

This linky party works the way you want it to!! Every Sunday, you can send out a Sunday Savings Circular that displays a sale that you are going to have that day, new products you want to showcase, deals like dollar deals/bogo/etc. It is completely up to you!!!


  1. Love this idea! I'm definitely going to join you all in the future! Cute site. I'm your newest follower.

    Ms. Pretzel's Super 2nd Grade Bugs

    1. Thank you!!! I would LOVE to have you link up!!! I have had the best time with this linky so far!! I've gotten to "chat" with so many new bloggers which has been awesome!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! I'm heading over to your blog now! :)


  2. Thanks for the opportunity to link up, Nicole! I appreciate it and hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. You are so welcome!!! Thank you for taking the time to link up with me!! I am loving meeting so many awesome teacher bloggers!!! Looking forward to the next time!

      Nicole :)


I always LOVE to hear from other teachers and bloggers so thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! It's so exciting to meet new people who share in your passion!