23 April 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Inspirations!!

Hi everyone!!! I'm so excited to join the oh so talented and sweet Miss DeCarbo from Sugar and Spice for her Wordless Wednesday Linky Party!!!

Here is my question for you!! :) 

How has a teacher (can also be a friend :) inspired you??
Comment below and then head back over to Miss DeCarbo at Sugar and Spice to link up too!!! :)



  1. I love your creation! I love to find inspiration from all my blogging buddies and on Instagram.

    Thanks for sharing!

    PAWSitively Teaching.

    1. Thank you, Lisa!! I definitely find so much inspiration from all of you bloggers and instagrammers!! You all have truly been such a positive in my life!! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing!! :)

  2. That is great! I love to find inspiration wherever I look, it can come from the oddest places when you least expect it.
    Frampton's FUNdamentals

    1. That is soooo true!! Inspiration can come in the most unexpected ways! Sometimes that's the best way! :) Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and share!!


I always LOVE to hear from other teachers and bloggers so thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! It's so exciting to meet new people who share in your passion!