11 October 2013

Friday Fall FREEBIE Blog Hop: Round 2!!!

Welcome back to the Friday Fall FREEBIE blog hop!! Thanks to Crystal and Marie at Once Upon A Classroom: Two Teacher Perspectives for getting this all together for everyone!! Now on to the FREEBIES!!! 
This week I have created a Contractions SCOOT!!! (Spider Themed) I made this spider themed so you could also use it at different times throughout the year! Whether you are doing a unit on spiders, creepy crawlers, Halloween, fall, etc., this game will help your students practice identifying and writing contractions. There are 14 different contractions used with each having one card to write the 2 words that make the contraction and one to write the contraction from the 2 words. There are 28 SCOOT cards total with a recording sheet and answer key!! Click here or on the pictures to download your FREEBIE now!! :)
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!!! Don't forget to follow me here or on Bloglovin and let me know what you think in the comments here!! I hope you and your students enjoy the SCOOT game! :)

Next up is... 
(click on the blog button below to take you to your next stop)


  1. Love! Thank you! Anything that get's these little ones up and outta their seats is just what I need :)

    1. You are so welcome!! I'm glad you liked the game!! I agree with you...it's always a good activity if it gets them moving and enjoying it! :)

  2. My students and I playing Scoot. LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much!

    1. Yay!! I'm so glad you and your students liked it!!! It's completely my pleasure!!! :) Have a great weekend!

  3. I can't seem to get it to download. I think it's a problem on my end, but don't want to miss out on this freebie! Would you be able to e-mail it to me at misstarasi@gmail.com

    1. Hi Julie!! I just sent it to your email!! Thanks so much for stopping by! Another freebie will be coming next week too! :)



I always LOVE to hear from other teachers and bloggers so thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! It's so exciting to meet new people who share in your passion!