11 May 2013

Our Future Professionals End of Year Awards!!! :)

Can you believe that the end of the year is already here?!?  I have had such a fabulous year, but I am ready for some relaxing!! :)  Every year on the last day, in addition to our school's student awards, I have my own award ceremony in my classroom!  I bring in my karaoke machine to use the microphones, set up the trophies (oriental trading) and certificates on the table with a vase of flowers in the middle.  My coteacher in reading and I call up each student for the award and talk briefly about the student and why they received that award.  Then they have the opportunity to say a few words if they'd like to.  It is soooooooo cute!!!!  I was almost in tears last year when a little girl who was very timid in the beginning of the year wanted to speak to the whole room!  It was a very special and proud moment for her! :)

We then have a treat!  We had ice cream with toppings last year!  It was a huge success!!

So...this year, I made my personal awards geared to what professions we could see them doing in the future!  We want them to believe that they can do anything they want if they put their mind and effort into it!  So, I have 30 prewritten professions along with 5 certificates where you can write in additional or other ones to fit your students.  I can't wait to handout the awards!!!  I hope you all have a wonderful end of the school year among all the craziness that ensues!!  Make sure to take some moments just to enjoy those lovable and special kids in your class!  :)

***BONUS: If you've read this far and like what you see, I'm giving away this set FREE to the first 5 people who start FOLLOWING my blog and leave a comment!! :)  Just leave your e-mail in the comment so I can send the set to you!*** (I got this idea from The First Grade Teacher Lady www.thefirstgradeteacherlady.blogspot.com, make sure to check her blog out, too!!)


  1. Love your blog...Christi did mine too :)

  2. Thank you for stopping by!!! I'm very new to blogging so it's so nice to meet and connect with great, experienced bloggers!! :) I'm emailing my new awards to you! :) Thanks so much again! I'm excited for the summer to get more acquainted with the blogging side of things!


I always LOVE to hear from other teachers and bloggers so thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! It's so exciting to meet new people who share in your passion!