03 March 2013

Reading Skills Posters/Graphic Organizers/Quizzes/Tests/Skills Matching Game!!!
Soooo...since I'm new to all the blogging and just started creating on TPT this past September, I've been learning a TON on how to do certain things!!  Soooo...I HAD to share an accomplishment today which was to make a preview with all many of the pages in a set!!  I'm sooooooo excited!!!!!!  :)  I have been trying to think of how other teachers were doing this great thing, but I just could not figure it out.  I even asked my Apple Store friends (I worked at the Apple Store part time for a year and a half until this past October), and they didn't know how!!  So, needless to say, you can probably understand why this is such an accomplishment today!!  I'm pretty tech savvy, but this just tops everything right now!! :)

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