27 February 2013

Math "AHA!" Moments!

Today was one of those days that reminded me why I love to teach!!  We had a great Writer's Workshop and morning all together, and then awesome AHA moments in math!!  

In math, we were practicing finding the area of a space or shape.  Well, sometimes this can be a little challenging to teach to 2nd graders to where they actually truly understand it.  Everyday Math makes it easier for them by just counting centimeter squares inside the shape, but I want them to actually understand what it means.  Soooo...I made a 6 by 6 square so we could WALK THE PERIMETER, and COVER THE SURFACE FOR THE AREA.  The kids loved it!!  They got to walk around the shape and measure it using a yard stick, and then got to cover the surface as you see in the picture above!  You could see their eyes change once they understood the purpose for the activity!  I just had to share this!!  I wish I could bottle these moments up to remember them on the days I feel like I'm speaking another language to them! :)

23 February 2013

"_______'s 7 Days of Luck from Lorcan, the Lephrechaun

So what if you had gold confetti from a leprechaun on your desk as you came into school?  Well, that is what happens when Lorcan, the Leprechaun brings you some "Luck of the Irish!"  This is a writing journal for St. Patrick's Day that will last from March 11-17th or March 1-17th which just happens to be Lorcan's Birthday as well!  I'm so excited for this activity because I think my students will be quite motivated to write!  They will get to write about the "Luck" they have each day up to the final day of St. Patrick's Day!  Sometimes, I will leave something on their desks like a pencil to aid in their writing for that day and to keep them engaged!  We will also talk about how we can be lucky in other ways like having or making good friends, having a good family, etc.  I love doing writing journals for special occasions throughout the year because it gives the kids a break in the normal routine and peaks their interests!  Even the most resistant writers come out of their shell and write!  On the last day, I'm going to put some of the "Lucky Coins" they receive from Lorcan in a trail that leads to a "Pot of Gold" which is a black garbage bag with gold balloons inside.  I have certificates with the activity that I will roll up and stick inside the balloons before I blow them up.  They will take a balloon and pop it to find out their surprise from Lorcan!  Another option is to roll the certificates and tie them with a bow to leave on their desks instead of the balloons.  Then they would have the coin and the certificate right there.  I'm sooooo excited about this!!!  Can't wait to share with all of you!!!  If you want to try it, too, just click on the link in the second line, and it will take you to my TPT store. :)  Happy writing!

21 February 2013

Classroom Library Renovation Completed!

Loving my new book bin labels I finished this past weekend!!  :)  Every year, I like to change things up a bit, so my classroom library has gone through many renovations.  However, I think I fell in love with my newest rendition!!  I have decided to organize my classroom library by genre.  This goes along with  "The Genre's Court" activity we do in our class, and it also brings more meaning to the books when students are picking books to read.  I just love it!!!! :)

14 February 2013

A Valentine's Day to Remember :)

This was by far one of the "sweetest" Valentine's Days that I have ever had! :)  I have the best students and family I could ever ask for!  Now, where to start?? 

13 February 2013

New Design!!

Hi everyone!! I decided to have Christi at design by Christi, create my blog a little differently! I love it!!! She did exactly what I wanted, and it looks great!! I can't wait to get blogging!! :)